All members of Sisters On Steel SMC shall respect one another at all times, within or outside any or all sisterhood activities, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, disability, and orientation.  


The showing of respect, loyalty and honour toward a fellow member is the foundation of this sisterhood. Husband’s, Boyfriend’s, Partner’s, and/or dates of members are off limits and if you are found to be privately messaging them without a sister’s knowledge you will be terminated immediately from the club. This is not a dating club and this code of conduct will be strictly enforced.  

We are members of a Sisterhood.  We shall wear our Sisters On Steel SMC patch and clothing with pride.  As such, we shall respect others who do the same, regardless of the club they belong to.

In order to be respected within the community or general public, we must take the first step by showing respect to our  community and those who live within it.  All members of Sisters On Steel SMC shall be respectful to others at all times, showing particular respect to the aged, the infirmed, and the helpless.

Members shall not harass or torment fellow members, the public, or other members of other clubs.

All members shall act accordingly within the laws set out by their local municipalities, province, state, or national government.

Sisters On Steel SMC members shall not engage in behaviour which is unlawful, including acts that result in the destruction of private or public property.

Any member who puts their hands on another member, probate or supporter in an aggressive manner shall have their membership revoked immediately.  The Sergeant-at-Arms/Guardian from each Chapter shall handle any respective disputes.

Any Sisters On Steel SMC member shall be dismissed from a meeting or activity as a result of inappropriate behaviour.  Prior to dismissal the member shall be warned concerning such inappropriate conduct by an Officer of Sisters On Steel SMC.

The following, without prejudice to other acts deemed inappropriate, shall be the basis for inappropriate behaviour and disciplinary measures:


Obnoxious behaviour that is deemed detrimental to the image of Sisters On Steel SMC and any Officer or member;


Discussing or revealing any information about the Sisters On Steel SMC or another member, to anyone outside the sisterhood

Showing perceived disrespect to members of other clubs or individuals of the general public;


Compliant with all road rules, State Road Legislations & Laws by members riding their motorcycles or operating a vehicle.


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